By: Alexa Warwick, Jennifer Sevin, Caitlin Fisher-Reid Conservation and environmental professionals increasingly need to understand people’s thoughts and behaviors in order to effectively steward our natural resources, which includes diverse wildlife like amphibians. Traditionally, data from the natural sciences
Pandemic Research Perseverance
Congratulations to SPARCnet M.S. Student Bethany Shaw on her recent research profile on the SUNY Oneonta Website! Keep up the awesome work!
What’s your relationship status?
Dr. Jennifer Sevin by Jennifer Sevin According to, a relationship can be defined as a connection, association, or involvement. With that said, would you consider yourself to have a relationship with salamanders? Before you answer that, let me share
Through the wormhole: Musings on the relationship between worms and red-backed salamanders
Dr. Sean Sterrett by Sean Sterrett Animals that live in the soil of forest floors are particularly challenging to study. Think about it – in order to study soil profiles and the intricate details of everything that lives in relation
Restarting the SPARCnet Blog!
The SPARCnet Steering Committee is working hard to revitalize our website and social media presence. We plan on having monthly salamander-y posts from network members. November’s post by Dr. Sean Sterrett will be posted momentarily! Check back here monthly, around
Congratulations to the Genetics Project Team
We are excited that Dr. Caitlin M. Fisher-Reid, a member of the genetics project team, was recently awarded a $8,000 grant to develop microsatellite markers for the salamander populations in our network. Caitlin authored the Faculty and Librarian Research Grant
Getting up and running
Welcome! We are transitioning from our old site ( and are in the process of creating and transferring content. We appreciate your patience as we get up and running.